Strategy: NostalgiaForInfinityV7_974
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.99

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The NFIV7 strategy is a trading strategy that aims to generate buy signals based on various conditions. Here's a breakdown of what the strategy does: populate_indicators: This function populates the indicator values for the given dataframe, including informative 1-hour indicators and normal timeframe indicators. populate_buy_trend: This function determines the buy signals based on a set of conditions.

It first defines two lists, buy_01_protections and buy_02_protections, which represent the protection conditions for buy signals.


buy_01_protections checks conditions related to exponential moving averages (EMA), closing price above EMA, rising moving averages, safe dips, and safe pumps. b. buy_02_protections checks conditions related to EMA, closing price above EMA, rising moving averages, safe dips, and safe pumps. Additionally, it considers the difference between RSI values, MFI (Money Flow Index), and Bollinger Bands. c. buy_03_protections checks conditions related to EMA, closing price above EMA, rising moving averages, safe dips, safe pumps, and the relative value of the closing price to the 1-hour EMA. The logic for each protection is defined using the buy_xx_logic lists. These conditions include comparisons between different indicators such as RSI, MFI, Bollinger Bands, and tail size. After defining the protection and logic conditions, the strategy assigns a buy_xx_trigger value to the dataframe using the logical AND operation on the respective buy_xx_logic lists. The strategy then checks if the individual buy conditions are enabled and appends the respective buy_xx_trigger values to the conditions list. In summary, the NFIV7 strategy uses a combination of different indicators and conditions to generate buy signals based on specific protection and logic rules.

stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): b9b05eecf5694d85f98ce28596dc705cd2d26224c47c5c06cae6b35b3be842a4
sell_pump_36_3_1h sma_200_1h upper safe_pump_24_30 close
ema_15 sell_pump_36_2 sma_5 sell_pump_24_1_1h buy_22_trigger
ema_200_1h ewo buy_17_trigger safe_pump_24_100 volume
sma_200_dec_20 buy_09_trigger safe_pump_24_120 safe_dips_70 sell_pump_36_1_1h
ema_20 buy_21_trigger safe_pump_48_30 safe_pump_48_100_1h oc_pct_change_48
sell_pump_48_1_1h high tpct_change_2 safe_dips_30 sell_pump_48_3
safe_pump_48_10 safe_dips_80 rsi_1h bb20_2_mid ema_12
tpct_change_12 safe_pump_48_50 sell_pump_48_2 safe_pump_

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last change: 2022-07-02 19:54:08