Strategy: CombinedBinHAndClucV6
Downloaded: 20220112
Stoploss: -0.99

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Trades/DayRejected Signals
Ninja Score: 48
The CombinedBinHAndClucV6 strategy is a trading strategy implemented as a class that inherits from IStrategy. Here is a description of what the strategy does: populate_indicators function: This function populates indicators on the given dataframe using the provided metadata. It first calculates informative indicators on the 1-hour timeframe using the informative_1h_indicators method.

Then, it merges the informative indicators with the original dataframe using the merge_informative_pair method.

Finally, it calculates normal timeframe indicators using the normal_tf_indicators method and returns the updated dataframe.

populate_buy_trend function: This function determines the buy signals for the strategy. It identifies buy conditions based on several criteria using logical operators. The strategy combines multiple sub-strategies, including "BinHV45" and "ClucMay72018," and checks their respective conditions for a buy signal. Each condition involves comparisons between various columns of the dataframe, such as close price, exponential moving averages (EMA), Bollinger Bands, volume, etc. If any of the conditions are met, the corresponding rows in the dataframe are marked with a "buy" value of 1. populate_sell_trend function: This function determines the sell signals for the strategy. It identifies sell conditions based on a specific criterion. The strategy checks if the close price is above the upper Bollinger Band and if the previous close price was also above the previous upper Bollinger Band. If the condition is met, the corresponding rows in the dataframe are marked with a "sell" value of 1. Overall, the CombinedBinHAndClucV6 strategy combines multiple sub-strategies and their respective conditions to generate buy and sell signals based on various technical indicators and price patterns.

startup_candle_count : 200
ema_50_1h: -0.001%
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 7ee4bea1ad004c61766a9ff303e0510ea2c100a7d324038b2a14899ede369a45
upper ema_200 ema_50 close sma_5
tail bb_lowerband ema_200_1h bbdelta volume
smaHigh ATR ssl_up closedelta sslDown
hlv volume_mean_slow ema_50_1h smaLow high
sslUp mid ssl_down_1h ssl_down rsi_1h
lower bb_middleband rsi bb_upperband ema_slow
low ssl_up_1h

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last change: 2024-07-02 08:40:17