Strategy: NostalgiaForInfinityNextW
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.5

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The NostalgiaForInfinityV8 strategy is a trading strategy that involves populating indicators, determining buy conditions, and executing buy orders. Here is a breakdown of its functionality: populate_indicators method: This method populates indicators for the given dataframe, including BTC-related indicators. It retrieves BTC data based on the stake currency and populates informative, base, and resampled timeframes.

The indicators are merged with the original dataframe, and unnecessary columns are dropped.

populate_buy_trend method: This method populates buy conditions for the dataframe based on specified parameters.

It iterates through buy protection parameters and checks various conditions for each item. Conditions include comparisons between moving averages (EMA), close price and EMA, rising SMA200, safe dips thresholds, safe pumps, BTC downtrend, and pivot levels. If the specified conditions are met, the buy_tag column is marked for the corresponding row. Overall, the strategy involves populating indicators for different timeframes and currencies, and then determining buy conditions based on a set of configurable parameters.

stoploss: -0.5
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 8de961716612eb9aff838e6241931cbb3d44c314d9dd30da13eef70e85dfdb63
sma_200_1h upper safe_pump_type safe_pump_24_30 leading_senkou_span_b_1h
close ema_15 res1 senkou_a sell_pump_36_2
sell_pump_24_1_1h sma_5 low_s safe_pump_period ema_25
ema_200_1h tenkan_sen 39 safe_dump_50 sma200_rising_val
r_480_1h safe_pump_24_100 volume rsi_4 sma_200_dec_20
leading_senkou_span_a f"global_buy_protection_paramsclose_under_pivot_type_1d senkou_a senkou_b safe_pump_24_120
tg_dataframe sell_pump_36_1_1h ema_20 source safe_pump_48_30
momdiv_coh buy_tag oc_pct_change_48 rsi_14 sell

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last change: 2022-10-04 13:23:39