Strategy: NFI731_BUSD
Downloaded: 20220113
Stoploss: -0.99

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The NFI731_BUSD strategy is designed to backtest trading strategies using various indicators and timeframes. Here's a short description of what the strategy does: The populate_indicators function is responsible for populating indicators for different timeframes. It merges BTC (Bitcoin) indicators for the base timeframe (5 minutes or 1 hour) and informative timeframe (if specified).

It also resamples the data to another timeframe (if specified) and calculates indicators for the normal timeframe (5 minutes).

The populate_buy_trend function is responsible for defining buy conditions based on specified parameters.

It creates a list of buy protection conditions and evaluates them based on the given indicators. It then applies these conditions to define three buy conditions (buy_condition_1, buy_condition_2, buy_condition_3) using various indicators such as moving averages, RSI, MFI, and volume. Overall, the strategy combines different indicators and timeframes to generate buy signals based on specified conditions.

stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 6af05b7ca1e83f19f61e2327e132de31fbfa89d872e68a4627bfb2f1b2a7f8fe
sell_pump_36_3_1h sma_200_1h upper safe_pump_type safe_pump_24_30
close tsi_ema_fast ema_15 sell_pump_36_2 sma_5
buy_condition_4_enable sell_pump_24_1_1h safe_pump_period ema_25 ema_200_1h
buy_condition_27_enable safe_dump_50 ewo sma200_rising_val buy_condition_6_enable
buy_condition_16_enable r_480_1h safe_pump_24_100 volume rsi_4
sma_200_dec_20 buy_condition_35_enable safe_pump_24_120 safe_dips_70 sell_pump_36_1_1h
ema_20 source safe_pump_48_30 buy_condition_29_enable oc_pct_change_48

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last change: 2023-08-03 13:33:33