Strategy: Mat240706
Downloaded: 20240706
Stoploss: -0.1
Uploaded by: focus81_63312

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stoploss: -0.1
timeframe: 15m
hash(sha256): fbdd2b805e7fd72afc0f9892f24a073cd02a3def02b4580adbc6d895d228fb45
ema20_50_cross pivot_highsprev_pivot resamplebollinger_upperband mfi resampleema20
ao pivot_lowsprev_pivot low pivot_lows stoch
resamplekc_upperband close ema50_200_cross slowk cm
bullish_divergence_ lower uo bollinger_lowerband total_bearish_divergences_namesindex30
main_plot pivot_highs resamplekc_middleband resampleema50 roc
resamplebollinger_lowerband resampleopen mid cci bearish_divergence_
dataframe total_bullish_divergences_countindex30 date closeprev_pivot total_bullish_divergences_names

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last change: 2024-08-02 10:56:41