Strategy: ElliotV5HOMod3
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.06

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The ElliotV5HOMod3 strategy is a trading strategy implemented as a class that inherits from the IStrategy interface. Here is a short description of what the strategy does: populate_indicators: This method calculates and adds various indicators to the input DataFrame. It calculates moving averages (MA) for buying and selling signals using Exponential Moving Average (EMA).

Additionally, it calculates the Elliott Wave Oscillator (EWO) and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicators.

populate_buy_trend: This method populates the buy signals in the DataFrame based on specific conditions.

It checks if the closing price is below a certain percentage of the MA for buying, the EWO is above a certain threshold, the RSI is below a specified value, and the volume is greater than zero. If any of these conditions are met, a 'buy' signal is assigned to the corresponding rows. populate_sell_trend: This method populates the sell signals in the DataFrame based on a condition. It checks if the closing price is above a certain percentage of the MA for selling and the volume is greater than zero. If this condition is met, a 'sell' signal is assigned to the corresponding rows. populate_sell_trend_real: This method calculates the real-time selling rate based on the current rate and profit. It returns different values depending on the current profit. If the profit is greater than 0.03, it returns 0.01. If the profit is between 0.018 and 0.03, it returns 0.005. Otherwise, it returns -0.99. Overall, the strategy uses moving averages, Elliott Wave Oscillator, and RSI to identify potential buying opportunities and uses a simple condition based on the closing price for selling signals. The populate_sell_trend_real method adjusts the selling rate based on the current profit.

startup_candle_count : 79
ma_sell_39: 0.016%
rsi: 0.134%
stoploss: -0.06
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 28078607732200bd4a5a35d3ec38231af83af90c490f2a2b528f411f48b0ca50
rsi_buy ma_sell_val volume EWO ewo_high
low_offset close ewo_low rsi high_offset
base_nb_candles_sell runmode base_nb_candles_buy ma_buy_val

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last change: 2023-08-03 01:39:01