TheForceV4 is a trading strategy that uses several technical indicators to generate buy and sell signals. In the populate_indicators method, the strategy calculates and adds various indicators to the input DataFrame. These indicators include Stochastic Oscillator (slowd and slowk), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Exponential Moving Averages (ema5h, ema5l, ema5c, ema5o), and Bollinger Bands (bb_lowerband, bb_upperband, bb_middleband).
The populate_buy_trend method populates the buy signal in the DataFrame based on the calculated indicators.
The buy conditions involve checking if the Stochastic Oscillator values are between 20 and 80, if the MACD values are increasing, if the close price is higher than the previous close price, and if the exponential moving average conditions are met.
Additionally, it includes a buy condition based on Bollinger Bands, where the close or open price is below the lower band. Similarly, the populate_sell_trend method populates the sell signal in the DataFrame. The sell conditions involve checking if the Stochastic Oscillator values are below 80, if the MACD values are decreasing, and if the exponential moving average conditions are met. It also includes a sell condition based on Bollinger Bands, where the close or open price is above the upper band. Overall, TheForceV4 strategy combines multiple technical indicators to generate buy and sell signals based on various conditions in the market.