Strategy: sicaque_15
Downloaded: 20241002
Stoploss: -0.99
Uploaded by: interludestepn

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of sicaque

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startup_candle_count : 200
[-3/8]P: 18.513%
[-2/8]P: 16.235%
[-1/8]P: 14.088%
[0/8]P: 12.061%
[1/8]P: 10.144%
[2/8]P: 8.328%
[3/8]P: 6.606%
[4/8]P: 4.970%
[5/8]P: 3.415%
[6/8]P: 1.934%
[7/8]P: 0.522%
[8/8]P: -0.826%
[+1/8]P: -2.113%
[+2/8]P: -3.344%
[+3/8]P: -4.523%
mmlextreme_oscillator: -1599.274%
min_threshold_mean: 5.564%
max_threshold_mean: 5.736%
Biased Indicators
Biased Exit Signals:
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 15m
hash(sha256): d9b135ef5e15f2b852d3585a88ad6424226df20ca7c6c28fcbc0b021677114c0
ha_close upper_wick_size open chopperiod max_high
exitthreshold5 entrythreshold4 open" range_size &sextrema
HLC3 wave_t1 raw_low wick md
raw_open ha_high min_threshold_mean hour_of_day dist_to_vwap_upperband
dpo tail candle_3perc_50 dist_to_vwap_middleband maxima_sort_threshold
candle_5perc_50 ema2 wave_t2 mfiperiod minima_check
minima_sort_threshold ema1 entrythreshold5 close_position candle_2perc_50
high close_percentage raw_high lo level
DI_values entrythreshold6 body_size rsiperiod linearper

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2024-10-02 20:25:27