Strategy: quick_buy_strategy
Downloaded: 20220112
Stoploss: -0.1
The QuickBuyStrategy is a trading strategy that uses a combination of indicators to determine when to buy and sell assets. Here's a brief description of how the strategy works: The strategy uses the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Bollinger Bands indicators to make trading decisions. It calculates the RSI value based on the price data and adds it as a column called 'rsi' to the dataframe.

It also calculates the upper band, middle band, and lower band of the Bollinger Bands using the typical price and adds them as columns ('bb_upperband', 'bb_midband', 'bb_lowerband') to the dataframe.

To determine when to buy, the strategy checks if the closing price is above the middle band of the Bollinger Bands.

If the above condition is met, it sets the 'buy' column value to 1 for that particular candle. To determine when to sell, the strategy checks if the RSI crosses above 70 and the closing price is above the middle band of the Bollinger Bands. If the above conditions are met, it sets the 'sell' column value to 1 for that particular candle. The strategy also defines other parameters such as the minimal ROI (Return on Investment) for the strategy, the stoploss value, the trailing stoploss option, and the ticker interval. It specifies the order types and order time in force for executing trades. Additionally, it provides methods for populating informative pairs and indicators. Please note that this description provides a high-level overview of the strategy. The actual implementation and effectiveness of the strategy may vary depending on various factors such as market conditions and asset selection.

Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.1
timeframe: 1hr
hash(sha256): 7924a6adc8d1e88b29da9c96753f2d55017163025ac96700271c027867c34978
upper mid lower close bb_midband
rsi bb_upperband bb_lowerband

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last change: 2025-01-15 11:31:04