Strategy: mabStra_425
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Stoploss: -0.164

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The "mabStra" strategy is a trading strategy designed for backtesting purposes. It uses moving averages (MA) as indicators to generate buy and sell signals. In the "populate_indicators" method, the strategy calculates four moving averages: "buy-fastMA," "buy-slowMA," "sell-fastMA," and "sell-slowMA" using the talib library.

These moving averages are used to determine the trend of the market.

In the "populate_buy_trend" method, the strategy generates a buy signal when the ratio of the "buy-fastMA" to "buy-slowMA" falls within a specific range defined by the "buy-div-min" and "buy-div-max" parameters.

In the "populate_sell_trend" method, the strategy generates a sell signal when the ratio of the "sell-slowMA" to "sell-fastMA" falls within a specific range defined by the "sell-div-min" and "sell-div-max" parameters. The strategy also includes predefined parameters for buying and selling hyperspaces, a ROI table specifying the expected returns at different time intervals, a stop loss percentage, and trailing stop functionality. Overall, the strategy aims to generate profitable trading signals based on the moving average crossovers and the specified buy and sell parameters.

Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.164
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 5a2849443da554f017eb433a0170430bfbf45c2b20c56d57739465dc4eabcc37
buyfastMA buyslowMA selldivmin sellfastMA selldivmax
sellslowMA buydivmin buydivmax

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last change: 2024-08-02 08:28:26