Strategy: default
Downloaded: 20220307
Stoploss: -0.06

Not Enough Data to display!

Average Overall
Not Enough Data! / Avg statistics not populated yet.
startup_candle_count : 200
adx: 0.001%
adx50: 15.154%
rsi25: 0.005%
rsi50: 0.537%
rsi100: 2.630%
macdsignal: 0.007%
ema50: -0.001%
ema100: -0.013%
ema200: -0.013%
ema400: -0.013%
tema50: -0.016%
htsine: -0.010%
htleadsine: 0.144%
Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.06
timeframe: 1h
hash(sha256): d1226a0886208e0b175455531d24957f9ec50a0ff885eebf0642a9569fb837f7
upper htsine tema mfi200 asks
close mfi rsi1000 bb_lowerband bb_percent
fastk macdhist htleadsine leadsine volume
sma_slow average tema5 sma_fast open
rsi25 fastd rsi200 ema10 best_ask
ema400 sar tema50 mfi400 high
macdsignal tema3 mid bids adx50
ema100 mfi50 mfi20 cci bb_width
sma_medium macd rsi400 mfi1000 ema200
best_bid adx roc mfi100 lower
bb_middleband rsi rsi50 ema21 bb_upperband
tema21 sine low ema50 rsi100
tema14 cmo

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: SmithHoeckx, Similarity Score: 98.41%

last change: 2024-08-02 10:18:34