The "CustomStoplossWithPSAR" strategy is an example implementation of a trading strategy that uses the Parabolic Stop and Reverse (PSAR) indicator for a trailing stop loss. Here's a brief description of what the strategy does:
The strategy defines a custom stop loss function called "custom_stoploss" that calculates the stop loss based on the PSAR indicator. It retrieves the PSAR value from a stored dataframe and calculates the new stop loss relative to the current rate.
The strategy populates indicators by calculating the PSAR values using the "ta.SAR" function and stores them in the "sar" column of the dataframe.
In backtesting or hyperopt mode, the PSAR values are also stored in a custom_info dictionary for later access.
The "populate_buy_trend" function sets the "buy" signal to 1 when the current PSAR value is smaller than the PSAR value of the previous candle. The "populate_sell_trend" function deactivates the sell signal, allowing the strategy to focus on the buy signals. Please note that the provided strategy is a placeholder and might not be suitable for actual trading. It serves as an example for adapting the custom stop loss and indicator population functions to your own strategy.