Strategy: alligator
Downloaded: 20250117
Stoploss: -0.99

Not Enough Data to display!

Average Overall
Not Enough Data! / Avg statistics not populated yet.
startup_candle_count : 50
adx: 15.963%
chandemo: 0.250%
srsi: -0.100%
Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 1h
hash(sha256): 3faa3d3a8f37383c54ee52f1d441812b2f47e9e47a39fe14d50ba40240c0dbec
jaw big_lips big_teeth adx market_trend
lips big_jaw chandemo close srsi

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2025-01-17 19:35:55