Strategy: Zeus_862
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.99

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The Zeus Strategy is a trading strategy developed by Masoud Azizi (@Mablue). It is designed for backtesting purposes and aims to achieve maximum average/mid profit in USDT. The strategy utilizes various technical indicators from the ta library and implements specific buying and selling conditions.

Key Features: The strategy requires the installation of the ta library before running.

It uses the 4-hour timeframe for analysis.

The strategy's buying conditions are based on the "trend_ichimoku_base" indicator, which is calculated using the Ichimoku cloud method. The buying decision is determined by the "buy_real" parameter, which is compared with the "trend_ichimoku_base" values using the "buy_cat" parameter. The selling conditions are based on the "trend_kst_diff" indicator, calculated using the Know Sure Thing (KST) method. The selling decision is determined by the "sell_real" parameter, which is compared with the "trend_kst_diff" values using the "sell_cat" parameter. The strategy includes a minimal return on investment (ROI) table that specifies the desired returns at different time intervals. A stop loss is set at -0.99, indicating a maximum loss tolerance. Overall, the Zeus Strategy aims to optimize trading performance by using technical indicators and predefined buying and selling conditions to generate buy and sell signals.

Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 4h
hash(sha256): f4ab0ffb0f3cc7231f8a153e6590c893e536d80d57500bc424f66d130ae264a1
high trend_ichimoku_base trend_kst_dif close low

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last change: 2024-07-27 23:43:34