Strategy: ZarTest
Downloaded: 20241204
Stoploss: -0.296
Uploaded by: moravak
R - Unexpected error 'LocalTrade' object has no attribute 'is_long' calling > Traceback (most recent call last): File "/freqtrade/freqtrade/strategy/strategy_wrapper.py", line 27, in wrapper return f(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/freqtrade/user_data/strategies/ZarTest.py", line 115, in custom_exit if trade.is_long and self.is_short_signal(pair): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'LocalTrade' object has no attribute 'is_long'
stoploss: -0.296
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): b3dc487fc37bc82ec80386ca971bd78caa3c0039b8b7bcd9c877edd4117063c7

Was not able to fetch indicators from Strategyfile.

last change: 2024-12-04 23:54:26