Strategy: TDSequentialStrategy_867
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.05

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The TDSequentialStrategy is a trading strategy that utilizes various technical analysis (TA) indicators to generate buy and sell signals. In the method populate_indicators, the strategy adds several TA indicators to the input DataFrame. These indicators help in analyzing the price data and identifying potential trends or patterns in the market.

It also creates additional columns in the DataFrame to track if the price exceeds certain high or low levels.

In the method populate_buy_trend, the strategy determines the buy signal based on the TA indicators and the price data.

It sets the "buy" column to 1 in the DataFrame for the periods where the price exceeds the lower level and the sequence of buy signals is greater than 8. In the method populate_sell_trend, the strategy generates the sell signal based on the TA indicators and price data. It sets the "sell" column to 1 in the DataFrame for the periods where the price exceeds the higher level or the sequence of sell signals is greater than 8. Overall, the TDSequentialStrategy combines TA indicators, price data, and sequence analysis to identify potential buying and selling opportunities in the market.

startup_candle_count : 30
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 30 startup_candle_count
Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.05
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 6cf8bd0db6977c10e2595f1b34c9c2c9842b00cac96353f103bb8f92d586bf9f
high sell seq_buy close exceed_high
low seq_sell exceed_low buy

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2025-01-14 11:06:05