Strategy: SlowPotato_358
Downloaded: 20220307
Stoploss: -0.171

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The SlowPotato strategy is a slow order strategy based on averages executed on a 5-minute interval. The strategy aims to buy when the average low for the past 5 days is reached or lower, and sell when the average high for the past 5 days is reached or higher. The strategy uses the following parameters: ROI table: Defines the target return on investment at different time intervals.

Stoploss: Sets the maximum acceptable loss for a trade.

Timeframe: Specifies the timeframe for the strategy.

Trailing stoploss: Enables or disables the use of a trailing stoploss. Experimental settings: Various experimental settings that can be overridden. Optional order type mapping: Maps different order types to specific order execution methods. Optional order time in force: Sets the time in force for the orders. Process only new candles: Determines whether to process indicators only for new candles. The populate_indicators function is currently empty and can be used to calculate additional indicators if needed. The populate_buy_trend function identifies buy signals based on the conditions: The average low for the last 1 day is below the average high for the last 1 day. The current low is below or equal to the average low for the last 1 day. The volume is above zero. The populate_sell_trend function identifies sell signals based on the conditions: The average high for the last 1 day is above the average low for the last 1 day. The current high is above or equal to the average high for the last 1 day. The volume is above zero.

startup_candle_count : 50
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 50 startup_candle_count
stoploss: -0.171
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 7c174e4a1039482eca134345613e349440cf0593a9a3104c90daa93bf7595074
high volume low

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last change: 2023-02-08 07:27:26