Strategy: RsiquiV5_20241127
Downloaded: 20241127
Stoploss: -0.273
Uploaded by: playful_quail_44361

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of RsiquiV5_2

You will be redirected to the original Strategy in 15 seconds.Redirecting...
startup_candle_count : 50
rsi: -0.177%
rsi_ema: 0.708%
rsi_gra: 25.550%
stoploss: -0.273
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): e15546d19f6708f6f4c115d0f4c4655a46194ea1a803e0337a876e4bb92fa0e5
rsi_ema rsi rsi_gra main_plot subplots

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2024-11-27 16:58:15