Strategy: NostalgiaForInfinityNextGen_637
Downloaded: 20220115
Stoploss: -0.5

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Reason: Duplicate of NostalgiaForInfinityNextGen_2

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The NostalgiaForInfinityNextGen strategy is designed for backtesting trading strategies on a website. It consists of several components that perform different tasks. populate_indicators: This method populates the indicators used in the strategy.

It retrieves data for BTC and merges it with the main data frame.

It handles different timeframes and drops unnecessary columns.

populate_buy_trend: This method populates the conditions for buying in the strategy. It creates a list of conditions based on various parameters such as moving averages (ema), close prices, and safe dips/pumps thresholds. It appends the conditions to the data frame. These methods are part of the NostalgiaForInfinityNextGen class, which implements the IStrategy interface. Overall, this strategy retrieves and merges data for BTC, calculates indicators, and sets conditions for buying based on specified parameters.

stoploss: -0.5
timeframe: 15m
hash(sha256): 3eab3c5ba338dd212df56b0eb301db90af1d33afa79686cb5cd31b976e98fe90
sma_200_1h upper open_sha_1d close res1
low_s ema_25 ema_200_1h ewo sma200_rising_val
r_480_1h volume sma_200_dec_20 sup_level_1h f"global_buy_protection_paramsclose_under_pivot_type_1d
tg_dataframe hl_pct_change_6 ema_20 ewo_ema_1h momdiv_coh
hl_pct_change_48_1h rsi_14 high top_grossing_updated close_sha_1d
hl_pct_change_36_1h tpct_change_2 close_over_pivot_offset r_480 cci
sup_level_1d crossed_below_ema_12_26 vma_20 openclosehighlow bb20_2_mid
momdiv_col ema_12 tpct_change_12 btc_not_downtrend

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last change: 2023-12-22 05:58:03