Strategy: Lateralus
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Stoploss: -0.085

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The Lateralus strategy is a trading strategy that utilizes various technical indicators and conditions to generate buy and sell signals. Here is a breakdown of its important components: populate_indicators: This method calculates and populates different indicators and features in the input dataframe that are used for making trading decisions. These indicators include Bollinger Bands, RMI (Relative Momentum Index), EMA (Exponential Moving Average), and others.

populate_buy_trend: This method determines the conditions for entering a buy trade based on the populated indicators and parameters.

It checks for various conditions such as the current profit, peak profit, RMI value, EMA and MACD crossovers, Bollinger Bands delta, close delta, and more.

populate_sell_trend: This method determines the conditions for exiting a sell trade. It considers factors like the current profit, stop loss, down trend, RMI crossover, average profit of other trades, and volume. Custom methods: These are additional methods that provide functionality related to price protection on trade entry and timeouts. The Lateralus_Slow class is a subclass of the Lateralus strategy, likely with some modifications or adjustments specific to a slower trading approach. Overall, the Lateralus strategy combines multiple indicators and conditions to generate buy and sell signals based on the market's price and volume movements.

startup_candle_count : 55
lower-bb2: 0.020%
rmi-slow: -1.521%
rmi-fast: -0.036%
ema-slow_1h: 0.002%
macd_1h: -3.929%
macdsignal_1h: -8.731%
macdhist_1h: 3.083%
stoploss: -0.085
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 77b0369ed0de8a7b22c2b5757b3862fa346e614fd00e274bcc65dbe0047c0330
closedeltaclose closebblower active_trade upper asks
rmifast close tail bb1delta macdhist
other_trades emaslow avg_other_profit volume bbdeltaclose
closedelta midbb1 max midbb2 high
macdsignal bids mid bbdeltatail current_profit
lowerbb1 rmislow up_trend price macd
min dn_trend lower peak_profit volumemeanslow
runmode emafast low last lowerbb2

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last change: 2023-06-27 10:46:19