Strategy: IMBAV3
Downloaded: 20240512
Stoploss: -0.15
Uploaded by: chang_2022

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startup_candle_count : 50
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 50 startup_candle_count
ERROR - Unexpected error 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'index' calling > Traceback (most recent call last): File "/freqtrade/freqtrade/strategy/strategy_wrapper.py", line 27, in wrapper return f(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/freqtrade/user_data/strategies/IMBAV3.py", line 76, in custom_exit if current_profit >= self.tp1_percent and qtpylib.crossed_above(last_candle['close'], last_candle['fib_236']): ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/freqtrade/freqtrade/vendor/qtpylib/indicators.py", line 235, in crossed_above return crossed(series1, series2, "above") ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/freqtrade/freqtrade/vendor/qtpylib/indicators.py", line 218, in crossed series2 = pd.Series(index=series1.index, data=series2) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ AttributeError: 'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'index'
stoploss: -0.15
timeframe: 1h
hash(sha256): 013fda0b8d3c47a8cb86954b71246066214f65d4a6c4773f7043be88ca87da66
range fib_786 close lowest highest
fib_236 fib_382 can_long imba_trend_line high
fib_5 fib_618 low volume

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last change: 2024-05-12 09:07:52