Strategy: G1
Downloaded: 20230727
Stoploss: -0.25

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of gumbo1

You will be redirected to the original Strategy in 15 seconds.Redirecting...
stoploss: -0.25
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 92e9a8b7ca6e5b620ed598cde155588a3be8660f279692cebb8d15327291cdf8
lowerband EMA EWO close bb_lowerband
middleband bb_middleband_1h xe5 bb_middleband_40 xe1
bb_upperband_40 xe4 upperband stoch_i slow_d
slow_k xe6 xe2 T3 T3Average
bb_middleband bb_lowerband_40 bb_upperband T3_1h xe3

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: gumbo1, Similarity Score: 96.3%

last change: 2023-07-27 23:51:11