Strategy: ElliotV8_original_ichiv2_VFI
Downloaded: 20230207
Stoploss: -0.2

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Average Overall
Not Enough Data! / Avg statistics not populated yet.
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stoploss: -0.2
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 4197c24a28a8bea116d6ed7f9deee000e7fada9c33cf82048564112a34cfa534
rsi_buy EWO asks ewo_high vfima
close high_offset_2 ewo_low rsi_fast ma_sell_val
ma_buy_val vfi volume low_offset high_offset
best_ask base_nb_candles_buy bids base_nb_candles_sell hma_50
sma_9 best_bid vfi_hist rsi_slow rsi

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last change: 2024-08-02 07:59:08