The TheForceV4 strategy is a trading strategy implemented as a class that inherits from IStrategy. It involves the following components:
populate_indicators: This method adds various technical analysis (TA) indicators to the provided DataFrame. The indicators used include Stochastic Oscillator (slowd and slowk), Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), and Bollinger Bands.
populate_buy_trend: This method populates the buy signal based on the TA indicators and specific buy parameters.
It applies various conditions involving indicators such as slowk, slowd, macd_buy, macdsignal_buy, close, emac_buy, emao_buy, open, and bb_lowerband_buy.
populate_sell_trend: This method populates the sell signal based on the TA indicators and specific sell parameters. It applies conditions involving indicators such as slowk, slowd, macd_sell, macdsignal_sell, emac_sell, emao_sell, open, and bb_upperband_sell. The strategy aims to generate buy and sell signals based on the given DataFrame and the calculated TA indicators. These signals can be used to make trading decisions within a backtesting framework.