Strategy: CombinedBinHAndClucHyperStrategyV3
Downloaded: 20220307
Stoploss: -0.99

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of CombinedBinHAndClucHyperStr

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stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): f3a9837a03ce77eab837724d4e00455010f60e68868cbed51ab988fb2e50ef04
upper close tail mfi bb_lowerband
fastk bbdelta srsi_fk volume smaHigh
srsi_fd ATR ssl_up closedelta sslDown
fastd hlv volume_mean_slow smaLow go_long
high sslUp mid ssl_down lower
ssl_high bb_middleband bb_upperband ema_slow low
date open high low close

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: CombinedBinHAndClucV2, Similarity Score: 97.3%
Strategy: CombinedBinHAndClucV2_326, Similarity Score: 97.3%
Strategy: Discord_brideofcluckie, Similarity Score: 91.89%
Strategy: Discord_brideofcluckie5, Similarity Score: 91.89%

last change: 2022-07-11 20:20:43