Strategy: ClucHAnix_5m_7_1
Downloaded: 20241212
Stoploss: -0.99
Uploaded by: blueaoliao

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of ClucHAnix_5m_7

You will be redirected to the original Strategy in 15 seconds.Redirecting...
startup_candle_count : 168
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 168 startup_candle_count
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): e6c5a50a4c1afb2db3d1bef48fa9814c2c59a8d74a29ef32f009d8d2b291d919

Was not able to fetch indicators from Strategyfile.

last change: 2024-12-12 14:19:59