Strategy: CBCHv3
Downloaded: 20230806
Stoploss: -0.06

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of CombinedBinHAndClucHyperV3

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stoploss: -0.06
timeframe: 1m
hash(sha256): c787c270180aab983c860399e2074203fe93ae962e4e2f014ddf12c52bb5129c
bb_typical_mid_sell_bb_mid_slow_window bb_typical_lower_x close cti_mean atr_rate_x
ema_slow_x ema_slow_buy_b_ema_slow fastk rsi_fast bb_typical_mid_x
volume closedelta_x bbdelta_x date fastd
volume_mean_slow_x fast_d mid lower_x bb_typical_lower_buy_b_time_window
buy buy_tag atr_rate_buy_a_atr_window cti lower
rsi_slow rsi fast_k low tail_x

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last change: 2023-08-06 21:53:06