Strategy: BinHV45Consensus
Downloaded: 20231008
Stoploss: -0.06
Uploaded by: vitalii

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Average Overall
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startup_candle_count : 100
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 100 startup_candle_count
Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.06
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 94606a46d793a6122548bf2d75f22cada538c56326eb0acd8696aa34439aad7a
BB_PERC_TRIGGER sell upper close tail
roc_4h bb_perc bbdelta volume bb_low
rolling_max closedelta open bb_upper score_sell
bids mid pricedelta SKIP_SPIKES EMA_fast_low
price rolling_max_4h buy CONSENSUS_TRIGGER roc
lower rsi DELTA_TRIGGER low score_buy

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2024-07-01 08:31:03