Strategy: BinClucMadV1
Downloaded: 20220115
Stoploss: -0.99

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The BinClucMadV1 strategy is a trading strategy that involves backtesting various conditions to determine buying trends. The strategy consists of several buy conditions that are evaluated to determine whether to make a trade. Here's a breakdown of the important parts of the strategy: populate_indicators function: This function takes a DataFrame and metadata as input and populates the indicators for the strategy.

It merges informative indicators from a higher timeframe and normal timeframe indicators into the DataFrame.

populate_buy_trend function: This function takes a DataFrame and metadata as input and populates the buy conditions for the strategy.

It evaluates multiple conditions to determine whether to initiate a buy trade. The important buy conditions include: v6_buy_condition_0_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to the ClucMay72018 strategy. v6_buy_condition_1_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to the ClucMay72018 strategy. v6_buy_condition_2_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to the MACD Low buy strategy. v6_buy_condition_3_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to the MACD Low buy strategy. v8_buy_condition_0_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to various indicators and thresholds. v8_buy_condition_1_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to various indicators and thresholds. v8_buy_condition_2_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to various indicators and thresholds. v8_buy_condition_3_enable: If enabled, checks for specific conditions related to various indicators and thresholds. Each condition consists of a combination of logical checks on different indicators, such as moving averages (ema), Bollinger Bands (bb), volume, relative strength index (rsi), and others. The strategy's main objective is to identify favorable buying opportunities based on the specified conditions. It utilizes a combination of indicators and thresholds to make informed trading decisions.

Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): ee1af5648bed977df13d0ad588989b2489a3d478f4f1dead86d15f555aa18fb3
sma_200_1h ema_200 ema_50 close sma_5
tail bb_lowerband mfi bbdelta volume
closedelta open volume_mean_slow ema_50_1h sma_200
mid rsi_1h lower ema_12 bb_middleband
rsi sma_200_dec bb_upperband ema_26 ssl_up_1h

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last change: 2024-08-02 10:44:55