Strategy: BinClucMadSMACore
Downloaded: 20220115
Stoploss: -0.228

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The CoreStrategy class is an implementation of the IStrategy interface. It consists of two main methods: populate_indicators and populate_buy_trend. The populate_indicators method takes a DataFrame and metadata as input and returns a DataFrame with populated indicators.

It performs calculations on the input data to generate additional indicators that will be used in the strategy.

These indicators include informative 1-hour indicators and normal timeframe indicators.

The method merges the informative indicators with the original DataFrame and fills any missing values. The populate_buy_trend method populates the buy trend for the strategy. It takes the DataFrame and metadata as input and returns a DataFrame with the buy trend populated. The method sets up multiple buy conditions and enables them based on certain criteria. It calculates various buy signals based on the conditions specified in the code. The buy signals are assigned to the DataFrame based on the enabled conditions and tagged accordingly. Overall, the CoreStrategy class is responsible for populating indicators and determining the buy trend based on specific conditions and calculations performed on the input data.

Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.228
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 12335f6e4b6ddc332987ffd9f108f52b0c95e0f049b1b6b6524a8cedea8ab617
sma_200_1h EWO v9_buy_condition_4_enable v9_buy_condition_1_enable buy_tag
v9_buy_condition_9_enable buy_tag v6_buy_condition_1_enable buy_tag v9_buy_condition_8_enable
v9_buy_condition_10_enable buy_tag close ema_50 tail
v9_buy_condition_1_enable ema_200 sma_5 bb_lowerband v9_buy_condition_6_enable
buy_tag mfi f"ma_buy_val bbdelta v6_buy_condition_3_enable
volume ma_buy v6_buy_condition_2_enable closedelta v8_buy_condition_4_enable
buy_tag date conditions_count open v8_buy_condition_1_enable

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last change: 2024-07-01 01:27:47