Strategy: BBModCEV1
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Stoploss: -0.1

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The BBModCEV1 strategy is a backtesting strategy that uses various indicators to make buy and sell decisions in the cryptocurrency market. Here is a breakdown of the strategy: Timeframe: The strategy operates on 5-minute candlestick data. Startup Candle Count: The strategy requires at least 20 previous candles before making any decisions.

Entry Conditions: The strategy uses several indicators, including RSI (Relative Strength Index), SMA (Simple Moving Average), and CTI (Cumulative True Indicator), to determine the entry conditions.

One of the entry conditions, labeled as "nfi_32," is triggered when the following criteria are met: RSI (slow) is lower than its previous value.

RSI (fast) is lower than a configurable parameter called buy_rsi_fast_32. RSI is higher than a configurable parameter called buy_rsi_32. The closing price is lower than the 15-period SMA multiplied by buy_sma15_32. CTI is lower than a configurable parameter called buy_cti_32. If any of the defined entry conditions are met, a long position is entered. Exit Conditions: The strategy uses a single exit condition based on the fastk indicator. The exit condition is triggered when the fastk indicator crosses above a configurable parameter called sell_fastx. When the exit condition is met, the long position is exited. Stop Loss: The strategy uses a custom stop loss mechanism. The stop loss value is determined based on the current profit of the trade. If the current profit is greater than 0.08, the stop loss is set to a configurable parameter called sl_3. If the current profit is between 0.05 and 0.08, the stop loss is set to sl_2. If the current profit is between 0.02 and 0.05, the stop loss is set to sl_1. If the trade has been open for more than 60 minutes and the profit is between 0.01 and 0.02, the stop loss is set to sl_4. If none of the above conditions are met, the stop loss is set to 1, effectively disabling it. Return on Investment (ROI): The strategy has a fixed minimal ROI of 100, meaning it aims to achieve a 100% return on investment for each trade. Overall, the BBModCEV1 strategy uses a combination of indicators and customized parameters to identify potential entry and exit points in the cryptocurrency market, with a specific focus on RSI, SMA, CTI, and the fastk indicator. It also incorporates a custom stop loss mechanism to manage risk.

stoploss: -0.1
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 6a0c355bf10e3996e3e11a5c5a8b581da9bdd2e34f002389936f3937a8e29f4c
rsi_slow close rsi fastd fastk
cti rsi_fast sma_15

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last change: 2025-02-02 06:21:23