Strategy: AV6_Fix
Downloaded: 20230806
Stoploss: -0.04

Not Enough Data to display!

Average Overall
Not Enough Data! / Avg statistics not populated yet.
Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.04
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 8fb58fb9054639df11e2e3f0fcef37bde6f54c51fa8011b05ffec399d544baf3
rsi_buy sell_custom_stoploss_under_rel_1 EWO sell_custom_stoploss_under_rsi_diff_1 ewo_high
ema_200 ema_50 ewo_low high_offset_2 close
sell_custom_under_rsi_2 ewo_high_2 sell_custom_dec_profit_2 cti_mean sell_signal
ema_offset_sell fastk rsi_fast ma_sell_val ma_buy_val
sell_custom_under_profit_3 volume sell_custom_rsi_2 sell_custom_dec_profit_1 sell_custom_under_rsi_1
low_offset retries sell_custom_under_rsi_3 high_offset low_offset_2
ema_20 fastd base_nb_candles_buy sell_trail_profit_max_1 sma_

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Strategy: akiva6, Similarity Score: 86.11%
Strategy: tesla, Similarity Score: 83.33%

last change: 2024-07-01 07:35:30