Strategy: 03_CombinedBinHClucAndMADV3
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.99
The CombinedBinHClucAndMADV3 strategy is a trading strategy that combines multiple indicators and conditions to determine when to buy and sell assets. In the populate_indicators method, the strategy populates the required indicators using the input dataframe and metadata. It merges informative data from a 1-hour timeframe and the normal timeframe, ensuring that missing values are filled.

The populate_buy_trend method determines the buy signals based on several conditions.

The strategy considers three sub-strategies: BinHV45 Strategy: The close price is above the 1-hour 200-period exponential moving average (ema_200_1h).

The 50-period exponential moving average (ema_50) is above the 200-period exponential moving average (ema_200). The 50-period exponential moving average of the 1-hour timeframe (ema_50_1h) is above the 200-period exponential moving average of the 1-hour timeframe (ema_200_1h). The previous lower Bollinger Band value (lower) is greater than 0. The Bollinger Band delta (bbdelta) is greater than 3.1% of the close price. The close price delta (closedelta) is greater than 1.8% of the close price. The tail value is less than 23.3% of the Bollinger Band delta. The close price is less than the previous lower Bollinger Band value. The close price is less than or equal to the previous close price. The volume is greater than 0. ClucMay72018 Strategy: The close price is below the slow exponential moving average (ema_slow). The close price is below 98.5% of the lower Bollinger Band value (bb_lowerband). The volume is less than 20 times the previous slow volume mean (volume_mean_slow). The volume is less than 4 times the previous volume. The volume is greater than 0. MACD Low Buy Strategy: The 26-period exponential moving average (ema_26) is above the 12-period exponential moving average (ema_12). The difference between the 26-period exponential moving average and the 12-period exponential moving average is greater than 2% of the opening price. The difference between the previous 26-period exponential moving average and the previous 12-period exponential moving average is greater than the opening price divided by 100. The volume is less than 4 times the previous volume. The close price is below the lower Bollinger Band value. The volume is greater than 0. If any of the sub-strategies' conditions are met, a buy signal is generated by assigning the value 1 to the 'buy' column in the dataframe. The populate_sell_trend method determines the sell signals based on the condition that the close price is above 1.01 times the middle Bollinger Band value and the volume is greater than 0. If the condition is met, a sell signal is generated by assigning the value 1 to the 'sell' column in the dataframe. The strategy aims to generate buy signals based on various technical indicators and conditions and sell signals when the price exceeds a threshold.

Unable to parse Traceback (Logfile Exceeded Limit)
stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 390c9db909518b88c31c98b2b283d927c3db6695e2e6264b7619445e18fe6d98
upper ema_200 ema_50 close tail
bb_lowerband ema_200_1h bbdelta volume closedelta
open volume_mean_slow ema_50_1h mid lower
ema_12 bb_middleband rsi bb_upperband ema_slow
ema_26 low

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last change: 2025-01-13 08:49:27