Strategy: s01
Downloaded: 20220115
Stoploss: -0.05

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The S01 strategy is designed to quickly close all positions that are already in profit and wait until positions that are at a loss break even or reach a small specified profit level. It is intended for situations when the user wants to close the bot as soon as possible without leaving open positions. The strategy achieves this by using the "minimal_roi" attribute, which defines the desired profit levels and timeframes for closing positions.

In this case, the strategy starts by closing positions that have at least a 1% profit after the first minute and then closes all positions after 10 minutes.

The strategy also sets an optimal stop loss of -5% and operates on a 5-minute timeframe.

It does not generate any buy or sell signals but relies solely on the ROI and stop loss for position management.

stoploss: -0.05
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 69aa639d9e339f0bb974cafc7b7a0c6bf3c07791da01e3975f430f3777c56048

Was not able to fetch indicators from Strategyfile.

last change: 2023-06-30 11:28:30