Strategy: mabStra_979
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.347

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The mabStra strategy is a trading strategy that uses moving averages to generate buy and sell signals. Here's a breakdown of how the strategy works: The strategy uses two types of moving averages: fastMA and slowMA. The populate_indicators function calculates these moving averages and adds them to the dataframe.

The populate_buy_trend function generates buy signals based on the condition that the ratio of fastMA to slowMA is within a certain range specified by buy-div-min and buy-div-max parameters.

The populate_sell_trend function generates sell signals based on the condition that the ratio of slowMA to fastMA is within a certain range specified by sell-div-min and sell-div-max parameters.

The strategy also defines various parameters such as stoploss, trailing stop, and ROI table. The timeframe used for the strategy is set to 1 hour. Overall, the strategy aims to identify buying opportunities when the fastMA-to-slowMA ratio is within the specified range and selling opportunities when the slowMA-to-fastMA ratio is within the specified range.

startup_candle_count : 50
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 50 startup_candle_count
stoploss: -0.347
timeframe: 1h
hash(sha256): 3e3687a026a245320e6a91c582bea8a54f553c381ef4628f9a4291ededda334a
buyfastMA buyslowMA selldivmin sellfastMA selldivmax
sellslowMA buydivmin buydivmax

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2024-05-02 11:42:23