Strategy: informative_decorator_strategy
Downloaded: 20220112
Stoploss: -0.1

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The provided code is a part of a backtesting website's strategy called "InformativeDecoratorTest." This strategy is used for testing purposes and is not intended for modification or external use. The strategy uses the Freqtrade library. Here is a breakdown of the important parts of the strategy: The strategy uses a 5-minute timeframe and has a startup candle count of 20.

It defines a single informative pair, 'NEO/USDT' with a timeframe of 5 minutes.

The strategy defines several methods to populate indicators for different timeframes and pairs.

The populate_indicators method is the main method used to populate indicators for the strategy's timeframe. It calculates the RSI (Relative Strength Index) with a period of 14. The strategy demonstrates the usage of informative decorators, which allow stacking multiple timeframes for indicator calculations. It also showcases formatting options for informative pairs, including custom formatters. The strategy utilizes the merge_informative_pair function to merge informative pair data with the main dataframe, filling missing values. The populate_buy_trend and populate_sell_trend methods are empty and do not contribute to the strategy's logic. Overall, the strategy sets up informative pairs, populates indicators for different timeframes and pairs, and merges informative pair data with the main dataframe. The main indicator used is the RSI, and the strategy includes examples of different formatting and decorator usage.

startup_candle_count : 20
Recursive Analysis found no issues while using 20 startup_candle_count
stoploss: -0.1
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): c14fe26804e74db5d4b6be1e34c7e416bb026a7e9daf69d35a1935d6ee4ea04b
sell rsi rsi_less buy rsi_1h

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2023-10-31 03:22:27