Strategy: bb_Marius
Downloaded: 20220708
Stoploss: -0.275

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of bb_Marius_v1

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stoploss: -0.275
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 37ff6f6cba94a1800aecce06889d18b3e9657f9737bb718775b0dcf66dac47f0
lambo1_cti tenkan_sen rsi_fast _5m_1d_dif relative_price
average leading_senkou_span_a retries date close
sma_50 source ha_closedelta pump_period volume_mean_24
high r_480 trend_close_1h pump_strength_2 weekly_close_avg_1h
tv_hma lookback_candles i_offset_buy_nfi adx base_nb_candles_buy_zema_ema
close_max_peak tpct_change_12 runmode cti_40_1h long_term_price_warning
btc_5m_1d_diff bb_upperband2_40 Smooth_HA_C long buy2_ewo
sma ema trima t3 kama
HA_OpenHA_Closehigh rsi_bottom low_offset_zema_ema 

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: bb_Marius_v1, Similarity Score: 95.56%
Strategy: Marius_4h, Similarity Score: 93.33%

last change: 2024-04-17 20:30:54