Strategy: TrixV21Strategy
Downloaded: 20220113
Stoploss: -0.31

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The TrixV21Strategy is a trading strategy that involves the use of various technical indicators to generate buy and sell signals for trading. Here is a breakdown of what the strategy does: populate_indicators: This function adds several technical indicators to the given DataFrame, including: Stochastic RSI (stoch_rsi) Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) for buy signals (ema_b_*) and a signal line (ema_b_signal) EMA for guarding (ema_guard_*) Triple Exponential Moving Average (TRIX) for buy signals (trix_b_) and a signal line (trix_b_signal_) TRIX for sell signals (trix_s_) and a signal line (trix_s_signal_) Average True Range (ATR) for determining the stop-loss price (atr_*) populate_buy_trend: This function generates buy signals based on the populated indicators and sets the 'buy' column to 1 in the DataFrame under certain conditions. The conditions include: Positive volume Closing price above the EMA guarding line multiplied by a multiplier TRIX percentage change for sell signals greater than the TRIX signal line for sell signals If enabled, Stochastic RSI value below a specified threshold If enabled, closing price above the EMA buy signal line If the buy TRIX signal type is 'trailing,' TRIX percentage change above the TRIX signal line If the buy TRIX signal type is 'trigger,' TRIX percentage change crossing above the TRIX signal line populate_sell_trend: This function generates sell signals based on the populated indicators and sets the 'sell' column to 1 in the DataFrame under certain conditions.

The conditions include: Positive volume If enabled, Stochastic RSI value above a specified threshold If the sell TRIX signal type is 'trailing,' TRIX percentage change for sell signals below the TRIX signal line If the sell TRIX signal type is 'trigger,' TRIX percentage change crossing below the TRIX signal line Overall, the strategy uses indicators such as Stochastic RSI, EMA, TRIX, and ATR to identify potential buying and selling opportunities in the market.

startup_candle_count : 238
atr_30: -0.002%
stoploss: -0.31
timeframe: 1h
hash(sha256): c8621b3bf9ce8fa84d6bc2f97b426e42822c8cb6520cc06c47b0e15f440d2433
stoploss_price stoch_rsi trix_s_pct high volume
ema_b_val ema_guard_val atr_val trix_b_val close
trix_b_pct trix_s_signal_val low trix_b_signal_val ema_b_signal
open high low close trix_s_val

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last change: 2023-08-03 16:03:25