Strategy: Solipsis_v3_fuck
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.3
The Solipsis3 strategy is a trading strategy that aims to generate buy and sell signals based on various indicators. Here is a brief explanation of what the strategy does: Indicator Population: Calculates and adds several indicators to the dataframe, such as RMI (Relative Momentum Index), ATR (Average True Range), ROC (Rate of Change), and MP (Moving Average of ROC). Determines trend-related conditions using the RMI indicators.

Informative Pair: Fetches additional data for informative pairs (related to the base trading pair) and merges it with the main dataframe.

Stake Currency and Fiat: Handles different cases based on the stake currency (BTC or ETH) and sets up corresponding indicators.

Buy Signal: Defines conditions for generating a buy signal, including price conditions based on the informative pair, RMI trend, and stake currency indicators. Sets the 'buy' column to 1 for rows that meet the buy conditions. Sell Signal: Initializes the 'sell' column as 0. Custom Stoploss: Calculates a custom stop-loss value based on trade duration, profit, and decay parameters. Determines if a trailing stop-loss is applicable based on current profit. Considers additional indicators (ROC, ATR, RMI) from the dataframe or custom trade info if available. Freqtrade ROI Overload: Handles dynamic trend-based ROI (Return on Investment) functionality. Uses the dynamic_roi and minimal_roi parameters. Please note that this description provides a general understanding of the strategy's components and their functionalities.

stoploss: -0.3
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 3cce8566c0e638bff0d1f206b96a75ee57538df9aec1207d32496de538fbdd98
infpctadrtop sell postraildist decaydelay rmifast
xtrabasefiatrmi close basemp xtrabasestakermi fallback
xbtcbasermi xtrainfstakermi rmidntrend buy_params mp
decayend rmiend volume price_side f"stake_rmi
infpctadrbot rmiuptrend growtime date roc
curmindif date curthreshold decaystart 1d_high
rocmp posthreshold postrail f"fiat_rmi rmislow
xbtcinfrmi growdelay price infguard 3d_low
sell_params atr roc date rmislow
date rmiuptrend stake_currency rmidn basermifast
rmistart profitfactor curroc rmiup 

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last change: 2024-04-28 23:02:48