Strategy: SHV27
Downloaded: 20230810
Stoploss: -0.4

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of SuperHV27

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stoploss: -0.4
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 2197b24caa876027549392f360cbc29a8e9a011f80fe3aea27910bd7342290f7
active_trade preparechangetrend rmifast close lowsma
free_slots open_candles rmidntrend emarsi3 other_trades
meta delta avg_other_profit emarsi2 trend
volume price_side minusdi rmiuptrend adx2
slowingdown continueup emarsi4 slowsma highsma
bigdown current_profit rmislow emarsi max_open_trades
emarsi1 decayrate bigup open_minutes start
price minusdiema adx plusdi fastsma
preparechangetrendconfirm rmidn adx3 peak_profit biggest_loser
rsi end rmiup adx1 runmode
type decaytime last adx4 plusdiema

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: SuperHV27, Similarity Score: 98.25%

last change: 2023-08-10 18:34:11