Strategy: RHComb_v8
Downloaded: 20230910
Stoploss: -0.347
Uploaded by: blood4rc

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of RHComb_v6

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stoploss: -0.347
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 1ba6dbd82fa3cffc0a4903f3d90f9e8e8ddde0aa87dc2d97663e798886f1258b
body_pct upper EWO ema_200 ema_50
vol_inc_5 vol_inc_8 close btc_sma_delta bb_midband
tail ma_offset_buy b_madisp3 binhv45 bb_lowerband
mfi last_real_sma_delta customx ema_200_1h bbdelta
rsi_fast ma_lower sma_30_offset sma_30_offset_pos b_clucmay
volume CDLMORNINGSTAR b_binhv45 real_gaining ma_middle_1
ma_buy closedelta rsi_slow_descending ma_upper open
ema_fast volume_mean_slow b_sma_offset ema_50_1h vol_inc
real_sma_delta mid tag sma50 uptrend
bb_width cci sma50_5m clcumay b_custom
ema200 madis

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: RHComb_v9, Similarity Score: 73.58%

last change: 2023-09-11 17:06:16