Strategy: RHComb_v36
Downloaded: 20230922
Stoploss: -0.347
Uploaded by: blood4rc

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stoploss: -0.347
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 3f08ddf9e2c6a175feac26b75b6bc48c5ba05b4f90292df233b686dc11e291ba
body_pct aroon_down_very_weak upper sslchannel s_nasosv2b
s_bb_rsi_falling close btc_sma_delta senkou_a HA_Close
gooduptrend bb_lowerband isshortpumping aroon_down_weak ema_200_1h
ewo rsi_fast HA_High volume smaHigh
senkou_a senkou_b sma_50 sslDown rsi_slow_descending
trima_offset_buy source buy_tag high sslUp
cci bbwidthsma er_1h rsi_1h final_ub
atr pm adx aroonosc ema_12
goodbtcuptrend ema_slow runmode ema_26 ma_sell_24
trima_offset_buy2 Smooth_HA_C basic_ub HA_OpenHA_Closelow ispumping

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: RHComb_v34, Similarity Score: 98.08%
Strategy: RHComb38, Similarity Score: 92.31%
Strategy: RHComb_v37, Similarity Score: 92.31%

last change: 2023-10-01 11:47:52