Strategy: NostalgiaForInfinityX2_234
Downloaded: 20220305
Stoploss: -0.99

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The NostalgiaForInfinityX2 strategy is a trading strategy that involves populating indicators and determining buy trends based on those indicators. Here is a breakdown of its main components: populate_indicators method: This method populates informative indicators for the base currency pair (BTC) and different timeframes. It retrieves data from the data frame and merges it with informative indicators using the merge_informative_pair function.

It drops unnecessary columns and returns the updated data frame.

populate_buy_trend method: This method determines the buy trend based on specific conditions.

It iterates over the buy parameters and checks if certain protection conditions are met. If all conditions are satisfied, it triggers a sell signal and returns the signal name along with the buy tag. pairs and informative_pairs: These variables store pairs and informative pairs for multiple timeframes. The informative pairs include both the base currency pair (BTC) and other informative pairs. Indicator calculations: The strategy calculates various indicators such as RSI (Relative Strength Index), SMA (Simple Moving Average), Bollinger Bands, and Williams %R for different timeframes. Overall, the strategy aims to generate buy signals based on the populated indicators and specific conditions defined in the code.

stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): d678fd1aa5274192d6c5d9d4a6d0d03eb55ade321db49075fec3c4f60519c67e
sma_200_1h upper bt_agefilter_ok high open
close ema_200 ema_50 close_s close
r_14 bb20_2_upp_1h rsi_14_1h volume sma_50_1h
live_data_ok xe1 sma_50 date open
5m15m1h4h1d xe4 open_s rsi_14 bb20_2_low
bb20_2_upp sma_200 high low_s open_s
close_s mid low open close
r_480 15m1h4h1d not_downtrend 11 crossed_below_ema_12_26
xe6 openclosehighlow bb20_2_mid xe2 lower
ema_12 stake_currency T3Average high_s open_s
close_s ema_26 runmode low xe3

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last change: 2023-06-24 10:16:54