Strategy: NostalgiaForInfinityV7_SMA_174
Downloaded: 20220116
Stoploss: -0.99

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Reason: Duplicate of NostalgiaForInfinityV7_SMA

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The strategy "NostalgiaForInfinityV7_SMA" is a backtesting strategy that uses various indicators to generate buy signals for trading. Here is a short description of what the strategy does: The strategy first populates indicators using the input dataframe and metadata. It merges informative data from a higher timeframe (1 hour) into the current timeframe, filling any missing values.

It also calculates indicators for the current timeframe.

Next, the strategy defines the conditions for generating buy signals.

The conditions include: RSI Slow Descending: The rolling sum of the 'rsi_slow_descending' indicator is equal to 1. RSI Fast: The 'rsi_fast' indicator is less than 35. Uptrend in 1 hour timeframe: The 'uptrend_1h' indicator is greater than 0. Close below Lower Moving Average: The 'close' price is below the 'ma_lower' indicator. Open above Lower Moving Average: The 'open' price is above the 'ma_lower' indicator. Volume: The trading volume is greater than 0. EMA Fast Condition: The 'open' and 'low' prices are either both above or both below the 'ema_fast_1h' indicator. Buy Protections: Additional buy protections are defined based on various indicators, such as EMAs, SMAs, and safe dips/pump conditions. The buy signals are generated based on the logical conjunction (AND) of these conditions. The strategy uses different buy conditions (buy_01, buy_02, buy_03) with their respective protections and logic. After defining the buy signals, the strategy assigns the buy triggers to the dataframe using the 'buy_01_trigger', 'buy_02_trigger', and 'buy_03_trigger' columns. This strategy allows for flexibility in defining buy conditions and protections based on different indicators and their parameter settings.

stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): d16681ed30ab3704953cf25e17611caf3d536f46da7157c0c10e8ea786c504fa
sell_pump_36_3_1h sma_200_1h upper safe_pump_24_30 close
ema_15 sell_pump_36_2 sma_5 sell_pump_24_1_1h buy_22_trigger
ema_200_1h ewo rsi_fast buy_17_trigger safe_pump_24_100
volume sma_200_dec_20 buy_09_trigger safe_pump_24_120 rsi_slow_descending
sell_pump_36_1_1h ema_20 safe_dips_70 safe_pump_48_30 uptrend_1h
safe_pump_48_100_1h buy_21_trigger oc_pct_change_48 sell_pump_48_1_1h high
tpct_change_2 safe_dips_30 sell_pump_48_3 safe_pump_48_10 safe_dips_80
rsi_1h bb20_2_mid ema_12 tpct_change_12 s

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last change: 2022-07-02 19:54:08