Strategy: NostalgiaForInfinityV4_774
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Stoploss: -1

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The NostalgiaForInfinityV4 strategy is a trading strategy that aims to generate buy signals based on various conditions. Here is a breakdown of its important components: populate_indicators: This function calculates and adds indicators to the trading data, including informative 1-hour indicators and normal time frame indicators. populate_buy_trend: This function determines the conditions for generating buy signals.

It includes multiple conditions, each represented by a separate block.

Here are some of the conditions considered: Condition 1: Uses moving averages (EMA and SMA), safe dips, safe pump, relative strength index (RSI), and volume to identify potential buying opportunities.

Condition 2: Similar to Condition 1 but with additional conditions based on strict pump criteria and volume comparisons. Condition 3: Considers the relationship between the closing price, exponential moving averages (EMA), safe pump, Bollinger Bands, and volume for buy signals. Condition 4: Looks at EMA, safe dips, safe pump, Bollinger Bands, and volume to identify potential buying opportunities. Condition 5: Considers the relationship between moving averages, safe dips, safe pump, volume, and the difference between EMAs to generate buy signals. Condition 6: Similar to Condition 5 but with additional conditions based on rolling volume mean and EMA difference. Condition 7: Considers moving averages, safe dips, volume, RSI, and the difference between EMAs for generating buy signals. Condition 8: Uses EMA, SMA, open-close relationship, Smoothed Moving Average (SMMA), and RSI to identify potential buying opportunities. Condition 9: Considers moving averages, safe dips, volume, RSI, and Money Flow Index (MFI) for generating buy signals. Condition 10: Considers moving averages, safe dips, safe pump, and volume mean for identifying potential buying opportunities. The strategy combines these conditions to generate buy signals based on the defined criteria. It's important to note that this description provides a high-level overview, and the actual implementation may involve further details and considerations.

stoploss: -1
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 360b8753ae11c33c19da2210c12def0343ae138188d0363c273f9c3bea5b9302
sma_200_1h upper ema_200 ema_50 safe_dips
jaw close safe_pump_36 ema_15 tail
sma_5 safe_pump_36_strict smma_jaw bb_lowerband safe_pump_24_strict
mfi safe_pump_48_strict ema_200_1h safe_pump_36_strict_1h bbdelta
ewo safe_pump_24 volume ema_100_1h closedelta
ema_20 safe_pump_48_1h open safe_pump_24_1h safe_dips_strict
volume_mean_30 ema_50_1h bb_upperband_1h sma_200 safe_pump_36_1h
volume_mean_4 mid teeth safe_pump_48 rsi_1h
ema_100 smma_teeth lower ema_12 sma_30
bb_middleband rsi sma_200_dec bb_u

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last change: 2023-06-24 22:02:39