Strategy: HSMAOG6
Downloaded: 20230728
Stoploss: -0.23

Strategy failed backtesting!
Reason: Duplicate of SMAOG_706

You will be redirected to the original Strategy in 15 seconds.Redirecting...
stoploss: -0.23
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 8069f1ec7d470c5bddbd3df1007a867e65ce58a6ea57f91e5c0d074fcd290583
volume ema_200 ema_50 low_offset _is_bad
ma_offset_sell close sell_trigger ma_offset_buy high_offset
buy_trigger base_nb_candles_sell runmode open rsi_exit

Similar Strategies: (based on used indicators)

Strategy: SMAOG, Similarity Score: 94.12%
Strategy: SMAOG_273, Similarity Score: 94.12%
Strategy: SMAOG_706, Similarity Score: 94.12%
Strategy: SMAOG_821, Similarity Score: 94.12%

last change: 2023-07-28 14:26:21