Strategy: Chained
Downloaded: 20220113
Stoploss: -0.99

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The Chained strategy is a trading strategy that combines multiple sub-strategies to generate buy signals and determine stop-loss levels. In the populate_indicators method, this strategy doesn't add any additional indicators to the input dataframe. It simply returns the original dataframe.

The populate_buy_trend method is responsible for populating the buy signals in the dataframe.

It iterates over a list of strategy names (strategies) and retrieves each strategy using get_strategy.

It then calculates the strategy's indicators using advise_indicators and adds the buy signals to the dataframe using advise_buy. The buy signals are stored in columns named "strat_buy_signal_{strategy_name}". Finally, it calculates a combined buy signal based on the average of all strategy signals and compares it to a threshold (buy_action_diff_threshold) to determine the final buy signal. The populate_sell_trend method sets the "sell" column in the dataframe to 0, indicating no sell signal. The custom_stoploss method calculates the stop-loss level based on the current profit of a trade. It takes parameters such as sell_HSL, sell_PF_1, sell_SL_1, sell_PF_2, and sell_SL_2 as inputs. It first checks if the current profit exceeds a certain threshold (PF_2). If it does, it calculates the stop-loss as SL_2 + (current_profit - PF_2). If the profit is between PF_1 and PF_2, the stop-loss is calculated using a linear interpolation between SL_1 and SL_2. If the profit is below PF_1, the stop-loss is set to sell_HSL. The function then returns the calculated stop-loss value. Overall, the Chained strategy combines multiple sub-strategies to generate buy signals and determines the stop-loss level based on the current profit of a trade.

stoploss: -0.99
timeframe: 5m
hash(sha256): 8a12dc00a307be2d84e7d5f4becbc5feded6b1fa6971e0b20035300e77e73b0f
f"strat_buy_signal_strategy_name sell buy

No similar strategies found. (based on used indicators)

last change: 2024-04-28 08:31:14